Cubase VST: Panning & Stereo Separation


New member
I've got Cubase VST 5.1.

I've recorded some guitar-bass-drums rock'n'roll instrumentals.

I've got six drum tracks: kick, snare, 2 toms, 2 overheads.

I'm currently putting kick & snare at centre, the toms at about "19" right & left, and the overheads at about "28" right & left. I also put bass guitar in the centre, and guitars around "10" or "14". I then add a little more separation at the mastering stage.

They don't sound bad, but I wonder whether there's other ways to get better results.

So here's a few questions:

1. How do you folks pan your drums on Cubase?

2. Do you add additional stereo separation in the mastering stage?

3. And how do the Cubase pan settings ("C" to "48" Right & Left, I think) correlate to either degrees of the compass, or hours of the clock?