Cubase virgin- help!


New member
I am a singer songwriter who has been told cubase is the thing to start my recording dreams... so I've now got it and haven't a clue what to do with it. Where do I start? Is there such a thing as the idiot's guide to cubase? Any clues folks? :confused:
I second that. Even the Getting Started guide will do just that, get you started. You got one with your package, didn't you?

Nice chunk of change to spend, but Cubase is a great application.

jiggs said:
Is there such a thing as the idiot's guide to cubase?

Uh, yes there is! What version of Cubase do you have? What kind of system are you running on? How much of the manual have you reviewed? Are you familiar at all with multitrack recording? I can continue asking questions for days on this subject.

I've had Cubase for about 3 1/2 years. I'm still learning new things about it. I'd spend the first 2 weeks with the manual, a couple of sample files, and a tall glass of bourbon. There are several other books available. But the best place to start is from the manual.