CUBASE SX3: disabling directx before loadup

darc mind

New member computer keeps crashin when starting up cubase soon as it goes to "Initializing: DirectX Plugins" the computer automatically restarts..i wanna kno if theres a way to disable the initializing of direct x plugins before i load up cubase..perhaps from any directory or deleting a file..can anybody help..?
Sounds odd. I think Cubase will just look into your Direct X folder as it starts up I guess, not sure if you can disable it exactly.

Maybe you should speak to the shop you bought Cubase from?
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i nothing..isn't there someway i can disable it from initializing direct x plugins..cuz i never use the direct x plugins anyways.
Remove the plug-ins from the folder they are stored in is one way. Personally I would reinstall Cubase. Is your dongle plugged in properly?