cubase sx (pc) -to- digi001 (mac) sync


New member
hey, does anyone have any practical suggestions as to how i can get cubase sx, on a pc, to sync up and run alongside pro tools LE, running on my mac?

i now have a lightpipe (ADAT) card on my pc, and i'd be psyched if i could hit play or record on my mac and have my pc-based cubase chase pro tools and send 8 discrete digital channels, via lightpipe, into my pro tools session.

can this kind of synchronization be done w/MIDI, or do i need some sort of external sync device?

thanks in advance, y'all.

Yes, tough I'm not familiar with both programs, but I believe both application support MIDI chasing and sync. Make sure you connect mac's MIDI out to Cubase's MIDI in. Find and adjust playback setting (Mac as master, Cubase as slave).

You should be able to sync them with a MIDI cable pretty easily. Just set one as slave and the other as master. You would probably use MTC as the sync format.

If you just want to get those tracks into the mac you could always export them as wav files and then import them into PT.