Cubase SX - pan not centered ???

Narayan FM

New member

i've encountered this strange problem. when i use a mono track i hear the sound a bit on the left side. it's not centered. i first thought it might be my monitors, but then i discovered that it's the same through headphones.
what could cause that? Cubase SX2 or my soundard (EMU 1820m)?
i have to take care of this as i'm in the middle of a very important project.

any clue?

I'd check the outputs of the soundcard first. Does it just do it in cubase, or with other audio apps, too? Does your soundcard have a software volume/pan control panel? Check that.
Also, your room will have an effect on this. Is one monitor closer to a wall than the other? Room treatment helps alot.

-edit- akkk, I guess I should read the full post before replying, and your post was only 3 lines, wow, that's some case of A.D.D. I got there!