Cubase SE will not link/synch to my Alesis firewire interface


New member
I have not had to post on here for a long time as Cubase worked great on my XP PC.

Now I have a new PC with Vista Home Premium. So I had to dump my great Aardvark interface and go with the Alesis interface (Alesis io 26 Audio MIDI 24-bit 192kHz FireWire Interface).

It worked when I set it up and tested it a few months ago. Now when I finally want to use it, I get nothing.

The mics register with the Alesis meters, but nothing records into Cubase (with the appropriate channels selected and the record On for those tracks.)

When I open Cubase SE it says there was a change with my audio device and when I run the test it says it is not in synch. I cannot find anywhere to fix this. I do not know the background stuff, as it has always been pretty much plug and play for me in the past. I basically record with no midi - just acoustic guitar and occasional vocals with four microphones and that is it.

Not sure where in Cubase to set it all up again. It seemed to automatically find it when I first set it up with the new computer.

The audio device is integrated sound, not a sound card (it is a Puget Systems computer with Micron components inside)

Any thoughts?

You might want to contact Steinberg but if I remember correctly the old Cubase Le (cubasis) was hardware dependant and came in package deals with soundcards.

If that's not the case here then I'd just try reinstalling Cubase.
Thanks. This is actually SE. I had LE but bought SE when I got the computer. I was under the impression they were similar but not exactly the same thing.

It definately worked when I first loaded everything up. I have the one text wave I did with it.