Cubase SE help-- books available?

No More Wolves

New member
'ello everyone. I've been using Cool Edit Pro 2.0 for years, but had to upgrade to allow for usage of Drumkit From Hell Superior. I picked up Cubase SE and I have to say that I'm a bit overwhelmed, which sounds sad given the fact that it's the "light" version. I've seen books out there for SX3-- would something like this assist me at all? I mean, I'm able to get a track up and record, but beyond that I'm lost. I've got DFHS and I haven't been able to really get it working-- I'm hoping a book may have more info on virtual instrument usage, etc. But, I don't want to spend the money on an SX3 book if it's not going to help me. Anyone have any ideas, suggestions, links?

I'm running a 2.24 GHz Celeron with 1.25 GB of RAM. I'm using Cubase SE, DFHS, and a PODxt. I have a USB midi controller.
An SX book WILL help you. SE is about 70% of the features of SX, so most of the info is pertanant.

I have found "Cubase SX/SL2 Power" by Robert Guerin a handy reference for SE, especially for a lot of the MIDI information.
No More Wolves said:
'ello everyone. I've been using Cool Edit Pro 2.0 for years, but had to upgrade to allow for usage of Drumkit From Hell Superior. I picked up Cubase SE and I have to say that I'm a bit overwhelmed, which sounds sad given the fact that it's the "light" version. I've seen books out there for SX3-- would something like this assist me at all? I mean, I'm able to get a track up and record, but beyond that I'm lost. I've got DFHS and I haven't been able to really get it working-- I'm hoping a book may have more info on virtual instrument usage, etc. But, I don't want to spend the money on an SX3 book if it's not going to help me. Anyone have any ideas, suggestions, links?

I'm running a 2.24 GHz Celeron with 1.25 GB of RAM. I'm using Cubase SE, DFHS, and a PODxt. I have a USB midi controller.

I use SE and most things are covered with the manual (printed one and the
one on the CD as well).

A SX3 book could help, but some things are very different between SE and SX,
so try to get as much details as possible about the book to see if your
interests are covered.

Cubase LE is based on SX 1.x. So try and find a book that is about cubase SX version 1. I just bought Cubase SX power for like 5 bucks used on amazon. Once I recieve it i'll get back to you on how useful it is. I'm sure it will be. Just ignore all the parts that arn't on SE. The two verions of cubase look the same and everything. Just SX has more features.