Cubase reinstallation

Memories... I love them!

This has been sort of funny- it is reminiscent of when several years ago on this forum, a guy "bought a laptop with Cubase SX preinstalled from the manufacturer" and 10 million different high end plugins, and wanted to know how to get it all back due to a hard drive crash. He had no disc or serials. Obviously, we trashed him to pieces..... :)

I'm not saying billabob is doing this, so don't get me wrong, it just brought back a funny memory.

I am a Cubase nut by the way. Been using it for years and the best one yet is 5.
ok ill give it a go. Its just wierd because i never had any problems when i registered it on my last pc and it ran fine for months, now im trying to reinstall it its being a nightmare.
Food for thought. The older cubasis required that you have the equipment that was packaged with it to be installed on the same computer before cubasis would install.
Food for thought. The older cubasis required that you have the equipment that was packaged with it to be installed on the same computer before cubasis would install.
Seems to me, I had that problem the first time I tried to register. (Presonus version) I went back and re-registered several months later and all was forgiven.
I think Morningstar has hit the nail on the head.
I'd go back to the Steinberg site and see if I can "Log in".
If not, start all over again.
If you can log in, follow the steps for a re-installation.