Cubase Project to .WAV????!!!!


New member
How do I take a project I saved, and put it to a .wav file.

If anyone knows it would be very helpful, and if someone could be very detailed because I really have no clue.

Thanks for all the help.

1. open the project.
2. mix to satisfaction if you haven't already done so.
3. click File -> Export -> Audio Mixdown
4. type in a file name, choose your format (*.wav in your case)
5. enter

That's about it.
Whatever happened to: If I am getting my question answered, then why even bother to come in to say that? Wow, really.
NO I couldn't have. I was at someone else's house on my Laptop without my trust manual at my side, and I needed an answer. Whatever happened to a thing called being polite. I guess that is thrown out the window on the internet. :rolleyes:
Dude, let it go. I got my question answered, I didn't even think about looking at the PDF manual. My god, this is insane. I got my question answered and you go just about nuts. Let it go. I am no longer going to respond to this thread because it just takes up space, with you sitting here questioning me, when I already got my question answered. :rolleyes: