Cubase or Audition?

.:Wyze Loc:.

New member
Ive been using audition fow awhile
just wanted to know if cubase was the better for recording my vocals?
is it also good for editing
is it easy to use?
cubase has a higher learning curve than audition imo. that's because cubase is much more powerful feature wise. as far as sound quality, i have never compared them. i never had any sound quality issues with either though. cubase is laid out alot different than audition and takes some getting used to. i still like the edit view in audition better than cubase. maybe that's because cool edit / audtion was designed as an audio editor, not a multitrack sequencer.
Cubase, Cubase, Cubase.

I switched to SX after using Audition for a long, long time. Best software move that I've ever made. It's fast and runs on less hardware than Audition 2.0. Adobe is evil. :cool:
+1 Cubase :D

I used cakewalls and profools but never used Adolf ambition,and curently on Cufase not moving any time soon :D

he he he :D
.:Wyze Loc:. said:
but whats da really good difference

VST plug ins, Midi capability, More Mixing options, more routing capabilities, etc..

I have both (and yes both are legal) because I find uses for both of them.

If I had to choose though I would def go with Cubase SX.