Cubase LE help!


New member
I've been using a buddy's Firepod and Cubase LE software for about 2 months now. I finally purchased my own and when it arrived this week to my dismay the version of Cubase LE (1.0.8 I think) I recieved said it was limited to 4 inputs at a time. Is this a bug or has the software changed? My friend's version recorded all eight inputs with no problem at all. I feel ripped off to get software that only allows me to use half of my inputs on my Firepod. I've tried to reinstall and I get the sample message. Any thoughts?

Yes, when I try and turn on more that 4 inputs it says Cubase LE is limited to only 4. Any thoughts? I'm thinking they just changed the software.
The Cubase comparison chart was published in february '04 and that says LE has only 4 physical inputs. Whether it had more prior to this I don't know. Looks like an upgrade to SE might be on the cards? :(
