Cubase Le 1.9 Or Sonar 4? Heeeelpp!!


New member
I am in a HUUGE Dilema with the software.

I own a firepod and I am looing to buy a surface controller. I will either get Steinbergs HOUSTON or Tascam FW-1082. I use Sonar 4 for recording now... any ideas or advice?? I have Cubase Le but I have not installed it. I know HOUSTON DOES NOT work with Sonar 4, but the main question... Which software is better? I have Sonar 4 Producers and Cubase LE 1.9 . I am a begginner recording, but I'd like to learn a software that is STANDARD and many people (majority USE.)
Why pick Cubase Over Sonar??? Is the Hudson a good deal for $200??
PLease reply here or send me an email I have to make up my mind in 2 days!!!
There are, at least, a dozen different software packages that people use, and write about on this forum. I would not say that there is a "standard", or one thing that "most" people use. Some like Ford.. some like Chevy.
cubase feels more professional to me, and i like how it works better....sonar is fine though if you like it more

oh yeah, also, there seems to be a ton more free/cheap VST effects that are decent (for cubase)
true, but for some programs you have to wrap them through another format (or whatever the correct terminology is)
Ok, I got the Houston controller, got LE and installed it.

I am Very impressed with the controller, but Sorry to say it. CUBASE SUCKS!
It looks and works like a toy. Drop down windows for everything. HIGHLY displeassed.

I returned the Houston and Will buy the Tascam FW-1082 to use with the good 'ol Sonar 4 producer's ed.

Thanks for the hElp. and SORRY to all those using LE