Cubase insert effect help


How many do you need? I have NEVER needed more than eight. Actually, I don't think I've ever used more than five or six in my whole audio engineering career.

Maybe if you tell us what you're trying to achieve we can give you a more streamlined solution.

Cheers :)

How many do you need? I have NEVER needed more than eight. Actually, I don't think I've ever used more than five or six in my whole audio engineering career.

Maybe if you tell us what you're trying to achieve we can give you a more streamlined solution.

Cheers :)

Well I like using autotune and some extra stuff and I have 7 inserts filled every song before autotune
You can always send a track to a group channel. Then you will have another 8 inserts. More Ideal would be to send your track to FX channels.
Yeah, you could, I guess.

Just for interest's sake, can you tell us what plugins are occupying each insert point? I'm curious.

Cheers :)
I'm genuinely curious as well. Seems like a lot of shit just to get a decent vocal sound (and yeah I used autotu...melodyne as well)!