Cubase easy question! Please help i cant move on with my project!


New member
Hello everyone,

This is my first thread on this forum but lets get to the point!

Example: When i make a midi track and go into the key editor the key editor is out of range to drag it to the middle of my screen.

The window from the key editor is like half out of my screen and half in it and i cant drag it back becouse its out of my screen.

Is there a way to get it back? Becouse i cant use all the tools becouse they are out of my screen and this just wont work!

Really easy question but i dont know how to solve it since im new to cubase!

Thanks guys
Hope on a quick reply
Yea i can use the scroll bars but all the edit tools and half of the piano roll is out of my screen i cant drag the window to the middle ! You know what i mean? Can i post a screenshot on here? Maybe that will help!
Oke jimmys cant i have you email or msn becouse i really need private help with this becouse otherwise its gonna take a long time to understand what the real problem is?
FWV should take care of the problem for you. Have you been using dual monitors lately? I never had issue before I started using them. Actually don't have any issue now that both monitors are the same resolution.
Jimmys69 can you plz post a reply to my screenshot! I have to go to bed in about 15 minutes and i really want to know how to fix this?
How you mean? Right scroll bar? Its not in the editor itself its the window were the editor is in!
its a weard situation and i dont know how i get that thing there:P! I already tried to start cubase again and make another project but it didnt work!
Any other suggestions?
WTF!! Seriously ! I just had to move the right bar from the main window and the bar you said ! ( same bars as here to scroll up and down:P):P Thank you man ! Im so stupid sometimes that i dont even noticed that:P Thank you:D
No biggie. Most problems are little easy hings like that. I wish all of them were that simple.

Carry on buddy.:D