Cubase drum/MIDI file sound cut off - please help

Dylan S

New member
Hi guys,

I have a problem with Cubase SX3 I have never had before and it's really weird and I have no idea where I would even start to think I could fix it.

Basically, I export drum files (MIDI) from guitar pro files into EZdrummer and record guitars over the top of them, but yesterday for some reason (I probably touched something I shouldn't have) everytime there is a cymbal hit and a pause in the drums, the cymbal hit cuts off and sounds like a cymbal choke, but a cymbal choke isn't selected on the drum map, and when the sound comes back in you can hear the first cymbal hit still resonating.

There is a small clip of what happens there on my soundclick page.

Thanks for your help in advance.
sounds like a bit of rouge volume controller data.

check all your controller data to see if anything corresponds to the timing of the cut out then remove it.
sounds to me as if it's a bad edit point... the ring is from the preceding cymbal hit etc... are you sure you imported midi and not an audio file???
you're not exporting the midi acidized are you? cuts the end for looping so you loose the cymbal decay.

If you have sx3 and ezdrummer why not just write your drums in SX3 drum editor and output the track to EZ as a vsti?
philter - I'm not entirely sure what you mean. I'm not too competant with recording programs, I just know a bare minimum to get myself by, could you please tell me where I'd go to see this?

dementedchord - I'm positive I'm importing a MIDI, because I open a MIDI track in Cubase and import the MIDI files, and then open EZdrummer as a plugin on this track and the MIDI then works with the EZdrummer to make the acoustic sounding drums, as the drums in EZdrummer are programmed by MIDI themselves.

LemonTree - I don't know how to export MIDI as acidized, but there is a chance I may have started doing something wrong, although I've done cover songs this way before many times in the past and have never had a problem of this kind. The way I do my drums IS like writing them in SX3, but this is a way of cheating, as I like doing covers but programming drums takes a long time, so I steal MIDI drum files from guitar pro files and export the MIDI into Cubase and EZdrummer. Listen to all the covers on my soundclick, and the drums have been done this way.
LemonTree - I don't know how to export MIDI as acidized, but there is a chance I may have started doing something wrong, although I've done cover songs this way before many times in the past and have never had a problem of this kind. The way I do my drums IS like writing them in SX3, but this is a way of cheating, as I like doing covers but programming drums takes a long time, so I steal MIDI drum files from guitar pro files and export the MIDI into Cubase and EZdrummer. Listen to all the covers on my soundclick, and the drums have been done this way.

We play ours in with a set of roland V-Drums with Superior drumer 2.0 on the output, saves all the piddling about and you still get the live feel of a real drummer...well it is a real drummer. lol
ok thats cool... the reason i asked is IME with midi if there's an issue like that it's more with noyes hanging not cut off... ie. you cut before the note off messege is recieved..
philter - I'm not entirely sure what you mean. I'm not too competant with recording programs, I just know a bare minimum to get myself by, could you please tell me where I'd go to see this?

When you open your key editor (the one with the keyboard and midi etc.) you have your controller lane at the bottom. its default is normally velocity.

there is a drop down list to the left of this with all the controllers (1-128)

check through this list while you are at the part with the drop out... if you see any controller data that corresponds to the drop out you could remove it to see if it fixes it.
could be way off here but try opening in the key editor rather than the drum should be able to manualy change the length of the notes/samples there...maybe a setting has been changed or is defaulting...just a thought
could be way off here but try opening in the key editor rather than the drum should be able to manualy change the length of the notes/samples there...maybe a setting has been changed or is defaulting...just a thought

Nah, with ezdrummer, the length of the note doesn't matter if it's just a drum hit. A cymbal hit will keep ringing until its audio file is complete... which could be for up to 10 seconds.

I'm curious if there is suppose to be other drums at the time it cuts out, or is it just that one cymbal crash.

Have you tried reloading ezdrummer?? It sounds like a corrupt file somewhere.
