Cubase crash


New member
I am using Cubase SX with a Powerbook G4 and after about 15-20 mins or so of recording into it, Cubase disappears and I get a little box in he centre of the screen saying 'The program Cubase SX has unexpectedly quit. Other programs have not been affected' and then it asks me if I want to send a bug report to Apple. I was wondering if this is Cubase or my Mac and if it is Cubase, is there anything I can do to rectify this issue as it is getting frustrating.


OK I have to ask.

Is it a legal copy ? If so have you gone to the Steinberg site and grabbed the latest updates ?

It looks like is a Computer problem. It frequently happens when you are low in memory (ram), it also happens when u have a lot of time without updating your computer.

Go to the little apple above, click Software Update, and you should solve the problem....
i think it might have something to do with memory because if I am just lookin through cubase it doesnt happen. it is only when i have recorded some music and have processed it a bit than the program crashes on me. if i am low on ram how can i increase it without phyisically putting more in? is there a setting in the mac where i can allocate certain amt of memory etc to the program. it's a brand new g4 so i wasnt anticipating ram being an issue. esp with my pissy little keyboard tunes. heh

thanks for all yr help.
