Cubase Crackle Noise And Pop!


New member
This has become super frustrating, so I am using an M-Audio Fast Track USB with A Sterling Audio ST55 and cubase to record. When I record or playback there is a strange crackle or pop in my audio, I tried exporting it to a wav file and it was still there. I also tried using the ASIO Driver and the popping noise was still there. I also tried changing my buffer size of the M-Audio and that didn't work, someone please tell me what's happening!
Your computer is not keeping up.

If W7, do the steps listed HERE. If other, just Google 'Optimize (insert OS) for audio performance'.

The next bet, would be to use an external (or at least separate) hard drive for streaming your audio files. More Ram is always better as well.

Let us know what you have, and how you are using it.
