Cubase: Control Room Problem


New member

I want to set Control Room to have 1 set of speakers and 1 set of headdphone, only.
I Go: F4, output tab and disconnect everything; then I go in the studio tab and: right click create monitor (speakers) assign 1 and 2, then create headphone and assign 7 and 8.
At this point I go mixer F3 and in the right side I have the control Room settings: I open all the tabs. Ok. Now I have phone , MIX, monitor A and presets tabs

Now the problems are:
I can't well understand what MIX tab is.
1) If I turn Off Main tab: Speakers don't sound and Headphones don't sound.
2)With Main On: If I turn Off/On phone tab (in the C.R. panel) headphones still sounds, they don't turn off.
3)With Main Off: If I turn Off/On phone tab (in the C.R. panel) headphones turn off/on.
4) If I turn Off Main tab and turn On phones Tab, speakers sound, and headphones don't sound.
-> How to set the Control Room in order to have 1 set of speakers and 1 set of headphones that you can switch, turn on and off separately etc?

Thank You in Advance
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