Cubase books


New member
Hi there,
Can anyone recommend a good all-round instructional book for Cubase? I'm a beginner to it (in fact the first time I've used any recording software) and I wish to record some of my songs using guitars etc.
After looking on Amazon I narrowed it down to these:

'Cubase Power' R. Guerin

'Getting Creative with Cubase VST: composing and arranging'
Keith Gemmell

'Fast Guide to Cubase VST' Simon Millward

'Cubase VST: Tips and Tricks' Ian Waugh

Can anyone recommend any of these or is there another book I should get?
For me, personally, I find the manual clear and detailed enough that I've never felt the need to even keep an eye open for any books. Is there anything that you're looking for in particular?


I've bought the pdf version of "Power Cubase SX". It explains most of the functions very detail (at least to me)

Well I guess I want something that will explain in detail how to construct drum tracks from the samples on Cubase, how to add effects from Cubase on to guitars and vocals and just how to cut and paste things when I've made mistakes and need to drop an instrument in again. Oh, and how to mix down songs into Wav. or mp3 for the best results.

I liked the Guerin.

Unlike Chris, the manual didn't really work for me. Guerin's book is a much better cover-to-cover read.

Of course, now that I've finished it, I should get better understanding out of the manual, too...
Thanks everybody,
Yeah I just find it awkward reading a printout of the manual, I'll get the Guerin one.
And I thought this was going to be another long, drawn out, RTFM thread :rolleyes:

I like a good manual, too. Easier to read on the can. :D

Hope you find what you're looking for, bluesmouse. Let us know how it is.

power cubase is retarted, or maybe it was just me......they kept showing this automation track and I was looking all over for it, cause I wanted to change somthing, took me at LEAST a month to figure out you had to scroll all the way down. It's just not very detailed, they still expect you to know a bit about it.
