Cubase AudioMix problem


The Original BeatMinstrel
I was hoping maybe someone here could help me with a cubase vst/32 problem.

For some reason my AudioMix is not working properly and the problem is with this one song I'm working on. On all my other songs in my computer it will work fine, but for some reason AudioMix will not record any of my fader movement in the this song.

When I click the read and write it open an AudioMix track which is normal operation when starting an audiomix, but when I try record any kind of fader move it will not record the information while I play the song.

Perhaps I miss some special setting in this song. I've look in my manual but it doesn't give any suggestion for the mystery setting. So I'm I missing something or has my cubase gone bananas.

thx :confused:
P.S. I've also already tried going into the control editor, but it won't let me anything there either.
Well I got my effects and faders to automated, but for reason it will not automate any of the insert effectS.

I've never notice this before is that normal? :eek: