Cubase (and others) doesn't like my Delta soundcard... ??

Bigus Dickus

New member
Tried out the demo version of Cubase. It installed fine. When it went through the process of scanning for audio hardware, it ran the test for sync and whatever. It reported that the test failed, and that a reliable and stable sync with my audio card couldn't be established.

The card is an M-Audio Delta Dio 2496. I'm not sure if this card is close to the Delta 44, or the Audiophile 2496. It's a weird card - no A/D converters on board; it just has coax/optical S/PDIF in and out, and an onboard D/A with a pair of analog outputs.

This is the third demo I've downloaded and tried, and the third strike. :( n-Track was very buggy, locking up constantly. Sonar refused to take an input from the card at all, and now Cubase can't establish a sync with the card. I'm starting to suspect that it is the soundcard. All three demos seemed to work with my SBLive just fine.

The card is set in its driver control panel to sync to the incoming S/PDIF signal, with a sampling rate of 88.2 (for the moment). The Cubase test seemed to be attempting to use a 44.1 kHz sampling rate for the sync, not sure about that though. I'm using the newest drivers from M-Audio's site. Default latency setting of 384 samples, and it's currently set to diable control of the monitor/mixer panel by external software.

I'm not sure about the settings in the Patchbay/router. Currently, it's set for WaveOut 1/2 on HW Out 1/2, and WaveOut S/PDIF on HW Out S/PDIF. Should those be changed to S/PDIF in?

I could reformat and reinstall everything, but that would take some time, since this machine is also serving as a fileserver. Lots of settings to reproduce for everything.

Any suggestions?