
New member
Hello, I have a few questions for you more experienced Cubase users..

How do I send my tracks out of Cubase and intto my mixer?

My soundcard only has your standard small 1/8" outputs.

Can anyone reccomend a soundcard that will allow me to send my tracks from Cubase into my mixer?

something not too expensive, but it doesnt have to be cheap either. Something your average guitarist ona budget can afford.

How can I send my tracks from CUBASE into my Mixer?
Why do you want to send tracks from Cubase into your mixer? This might sound like a trite question, but the answer matters.

If it is just to monitor your tracks for playback, then you simply run a line out from your soundcard into one track of your mixer, or to some other type of input (2tk in, or whatever.... even an aux input...)

If you have, say, ten tracks of audio, and you want to send each individual track from Cubase into its own channel in the mixer, say for purposes of dumping your project to 1/2" tape for use with another project, then this is a WHOLE other ball game. Get ready for buying some considerably expensive gear...

What soundcard and what mixer are you working with? The answer to these could make a big difference as to how you approach things.
