Cubase 7 Configuration help


New member
Making my way from adobe audition 3 to cubase 7.

I'm having some latency, monitoring and recording issues.

My latency seems to be a bit behind everything else, and my recordings sound weak and soooo soft. I also have to close cubase and set my output to my shure in order to do monitoring through headphones while recording. there has to be a simpler way.

My setup. MXL mic through ShureX2U >>USB>>>Computer>> Alesis M1Active320 studiomonitors

Uploaded some screenshots to help.
there has to be a simpler way.

There is. Get rid of the Shure USB thing and get a better interface. It appears to me that it uses the generic windows driver. Not the best driver to be using. It also doesn't have very much gain.

edit: Wow, I just looked it up and that thing goes for $100. You can spend another $50 and get something way better.

I also have to close cubase and set my output to my shure in order to do monitoring through headphones while recording

This part I don't understand. How can you record anything if you Cubase is closed?

btw: welcome to the site.
I would personally go with the Steinberg UR22 if you are going the Cubase DAW route and only need two inputs.

It really depends on what your needs are. How many tracks you wish to record at once. How many outputs you need from DAW....
I think it's the way I'm headed. I've been using Adobe audition 3 for the past 5 years. I usually never record more than 2 tracks at one so this should do fine. Would I have to have a mixer hooked up to this as well?
For what you're doing, the Tascam is overkill. The Steinberg unit you linked looks about right. What mic did you say you had? MXL something.

So, I'll back off a little bit on my criticism of the shure device. If you've been using it for a few years and it's been working for you in AA, then it SHOULD work for you in Cubase. And being free doesn't hurt. If you're concerned about latency, then you are probably using it wrong. If you can't monitor through it, then it probably isn't the right device. Yup, you can certainly use it for mobile applications. It bothers me that it doesn't have a dedicated ASIO driver. I think that is pretty poor product development from a company like Shure.

You do not need a mixer. At all. Period. Cubase will be your mixer. Bring your tracks into Cubase raw and work on them from there.

Good luck.
Thank you, I'm really not too sure why it won't work for me in cubase. I've monitored through it fine in AA. The gain it had was never a problem either.