Cubase 6 no audio playback [video included]

Johnny Darkly

New member

Pretty straight forward. Tell me if you can figure out WTF, because I can't.

Looking forward to working with this program... once I can work with this program.
-Johnny Darkly
I think I see the problem,

So, you are getting playback, you just cant hear while you are recording? Hit the monitor icon next to the Record enable button. Looks like a side view of a speaker.

Make it change automatically, by going to File>Preferences...>VST>select 'Tapemachine Style' from the Auto Monitoring drop down menu. :)

It's kind of hard to tell when you are playing or playing back. Cant see so good on this small laptop screen.
Wait, I'm not seeing any input signal into the tracks. How did you initially get a waveform there?

Check your VST Connections. Make sure you have a input bus created for your guitar mic. Then select that input bus in the Inspector window to left of the track. In your view, you would need to click on the track name (blue bar at top of left window) to show the input/output bus. Stereo out should be the default out.

Check these things and see if any of it helps.
I previously recorded the tracks with the THR, and the metronome on the computer speakers. Input is fine. But when I play back the track nothing comes out. Odly, when I SCRUB the track audio does come out.

You can see the master dead silent when I hit the spacebar, but jump in exitement when I manually scrub it. It doesn't want to shoot out audio when I hit play. You can imagine how this might hinder further progress.

I'll check those options when I get home. I'm super new to Cubase
Wait, 'scrub'? Sounds like you have 'Control Room' activated. I am on 7 now, so cant be sure til I get a chance to open 6. But go to VST Connections, and Turn off Control Room in Studio tab. Then check your input and output bus's.

I think you have something messed up there man.
No such feature jimmy, sorry. I even searched the manual, "control room" doesnt exist there either. I don't know how different they've changed it. It's my first go with Cubase.

Everytime I create a project I just have to hit this little "reset mixer/channels" button on the mixer panel and suddenly sound appears, because it would be silly to allow the customer to hear their music after they've recorded it, buahahaha, they need to seek this button out, specifically, everytime they make a new song. Because that's not annoying or redundant or pointless, it teaches them a lesson on how we make the product easy for them. Because there could have been more.

I'm not sure if they're trying to emulate a real console but that was out of the way, and a bit random.

I can't wait to get started.
I'm glad you figured out how to get it working man! :)

'This little' "reset mixer/channels" button, does not make any sense to me, but all good if you are up and running. You have an issue that I have never heard of, through my experience, not even from the Steinberg forums.

But, 'Control Room' does exist in the manual man. Page 172-186 in the Cubase 6 manual. Are you not using a full version of Cubase 6?

That might explain a bit.

I still have every version since LE4 installed. Trust me. I would not lie to you about anything.
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Ok, I have been trying to figure out what happened here, but to no avail...

Where is this 'little "reset mixer/channels" button on the mixer panel' you are speaking of?

I truly want to make sure that we all have accurate info here, and I am just totally lost here.... :(
It's Cubase Elements that I'm trialing. Even though the disk says "Cubase AI 6." could find that funny I suppose, but I was confused before I gave up understanding that.

That button you'll find if you hit F3, calling up the mixer, and on the far left, fourth one from the bottom, there is a grey button with a zero and two arrows pointing at it. It looks like this: [0<<]. The text that appears reads: "Reset Mixer/Reset Channels"

It then asks you if you want to reset channels, and I click "reset" and its christmas. All I did when I opened the project was record a track. I actually did this twice, the second one I made the video with. Both had the same problem.

As for the "control room" being absent.... I appears I am being haunted by the Unusual Luck Ghost: not quite bad, not quite good, just tasteless and annoying. I'd like for it to leave me alone. I'm sure it's there, acrobat just happened to miss it or something random like that.

Hope that helps you.
What the hell are you talking about?

No man, that does not help me...

It shows how you have no desire to listen. You have not only neglected to read how to use your software to begin with, but you are seemingly unable to listen to any advice given to you, to help solve your issue.

You seem 'just tasteless and annoying' to me.

I am one member here, that is tough to get on the bad side of. I am always willing to help any member-at any level. You are seeming to be one of the ones that can't/will not allow help from me. I bid you farewell, until you come back with a desire to learn.

Maybe you should just go play with Garageband or something easier like Audacity.

Cheers to you Darkly.


You start off by saying you don't know what I said, then assume it's offensive? I showed you what was wrong in detail. It's sad that didn't help you.

And why are you bringing the Unusual Luck Ghost into this? It's haunting me, not you.

I think you need to recount my words. I thought we were doing good (you got info, I got info; we both benefited), until you veered off the rails and into the creek. I am not an extremely serious person, and certainly not enough to engage in petty online squabble. So I won't bite. Sorry. I enjoy people who can find mundane humor, not fights.

I come from Sony Vegas, a program entirely different in how it does things, if you're not familliar. Although by standard, it's a video editing software, it's essentially Acid Pro with a video element. I'm a video editor by trade. Among lots of things. But that version is dated and won't recognize new controllers or usb devices. It's time for change. That change included some anomaly that you or the forum has never heard of, and quite certainly not me. Hardly my fault.

It's also not my fault you mistook me.

Cheers again, Jimmy
