Cubase 5 doesn't see my USB mic


New member
Hello guys, I've got a problem which is written in post name. I don't know what to do - USB mic (Samson G-Track) is plugged in, but I can't record.
I tried every ASIO option, and everywhere is inactive, and I don't even see Samson's name anywhere.
I've got also a question is there a difference between quality when you record in, f.e. CoolEdit or Cubase?

I'll soon probably buy Shure PG42 USB (btw. anyone used it?), and since Cubase doesn't see my Samson G-Track, I need to find a clue.
A usb is like it's own interface. You can select only one ASIO device from Cubase. Not sure how you would get it to work. Sorry, I am just about worthless here.
A usb is like it's own interface. You can select only one ASIO device from Cubase. Not sure how you would get it to work. Sorry, I am just about worthless here.

On the contrary - this is the problem that brought me to the HR forums and it was in reading what you and a few others had to say that the problem became solved...... I'm still not sure how, but I know it took "reasoning through" the problem to make it disappear.

OP - I'll go try to find my original postings, but I can't promise that I had an AHA moment that I wrote down. I struggled through this issue for days though.
Somehow I managed to help myself. I've chosen this ASIO zero latency driver, then did some magic and it works. Works even without latency. :) anyway thanks!