cubase 5 asio time usage

Paulie Storm

New member
Hey guys. I am now using a tascam us1800 and while the unit is awesome the asio time usage is clipping bad now matter how I set the latency. I can barely use bfd2 drums and uiwont even tryj using reason. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get it back under control?
It might just be an issue with Tascam and/or Cubase.

I've got both a 1800 and an 800 and Cubase 6. Open virtual instruments seems to spike it. Really weird. Doesn't happen in Ableton for me. Or in the standalone versions of those programs.

"Back in the day" when I used to use Le5 I didn't have the ASIO problem. It's only began as recently as December for me. And Cubase also causes my computer to BSOD at the use of the freeze function. Fresh OS installs were done, latency settings of all kinds, and everything. I just don't know. It sucks because I love Cubase.
Same issues have happened to me on 3 completely different (but optimized for audio) systems. I'm not sure if it's a Tascam/Cubase compatibility issue (since I've only got Tascam interfaces) or if it's just a Cubase issue. Though I know that Jimmy here uses an 1800 and Cubase and I don't believe that he has any problems.

It's all very strange. I feel your pain though.
This type of thing really makes me sad. :(

I used to have issues with an old Dell. The same one I am using to respond on. I had a hard drive crash that made me build a computer from hell. Around $1200, but I have never had an issue since. Well, there is the occasion where I have had multiple openings of files, and shit goes dead for a while, but that is just a common feature that Windows does it seems... Restart is needed after mixing a few tracks.

What are your PC specs? Have you done the appropriate optimization steps for audio?

Kid, I am not sure why you continue to have problems. I have used 10 VSTI's with no problems. It's too bad you don't live closer, I'd come by and see if I could figure out what is going on.

I have a Gif for you. Just gotta find it.
Well, I just noticed the OP said his meter is clipping. Mine hasn't clipped. The meter just shoots up. It's weird. I can open 1 instance Maschine or something and it'll send the meter up. But 10 more instances of the same instrument show no noticeable increase :confused:
Since theyre all stock computers I suppose it could be a numbers of stock parts giving me my issues. from the PSU to the hard drives. idk.
But I'm cool where I'm at now. As long as I'm able to record with no clicks, pops, drop, outs, or crashes I'm good :D
I've also hidden the ASIO meter. Out of sight out of mind right?
Within a year or two I'll probably work on building a system that I can know inside and out. But clearly I've got a bit of learning to do :p

Yeah Paulie Storm, what are your computer specs?
Yep :D that's me about a month ago. I just had to step away from that computer for a few weeks.
Was going to get back in there on it the other night... but theres ants in the room :eek: (kneew I shouldve thrown away that mountain dew can from january). So I'm waiting for them to get gritz'd out of there.

Working on a laptop while sketching has taught me to know my limitations and work within them.

Running a send from an instrument track as an input for an audio track has just saved everything for me though. I can just record the monitor output of the instrument track. No need to freeze and BSOD. and no need to see my ASIO meter spike from having so many instrument tracks. As soon as I'm done playing I can close the instrument and be left with a nice waveform.

Besides, it makes the virtual instruments feel not that virtual :laughings:
Damn kid!!! Im gonna try that send trick!!!!

It's pretty great. I would honestly do it even if my computer didn't have issues. Much more organic then seeing little bars or midi dots. And I don't have to worry about a setting in the instrument accidentally getting tweaked.

Just create an output (Name it "output x" or something) in your VST connections and leave it unconnected.
Then go to the sends on your track channel and set output x as the send. Turn on the send and bring the level up.
Then create an audio track and set output x as the input on it.
Then if you turn on the monitor button on both tracks and play something you should see the meter moving on both. Then record on the audio track, and remove your instrument track when done.

I originally discovered it when I was looking for a way to bypass Maschine's sequencers. And then realized "WTF? I can use this on everything now."

For some reason, setting an output as an input seems to only be an option on full versions though. So if you're using Le5 it won't work. :(.
All the more reason to upgrade to full version though :D
Well Ill be damned!!!!! Thanks Kidage!!!! It worked!!!!!! Thanks Jimmy, your the reason i stuck with Cubase AND got the 1800. Now if I can just figure out what that big red button does!!! Just kidding
Oops sorry I missed your replies/questions :(

Looks like you've got things going though :D
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I'm not familiar with Reason. But I do know that Ableton has a function to route the output of a channel as the input of another. So surely there's something similar in all DAWs.
Dig around a bit and see what you can find :D