Cubase 5.1 What book to buy ?!?


New member
Hi there fella's!

I just installed Cubase 5.1 and though I can come to terms with the basics well enough, I wonder if y'all have any suggestions on a good book, that helps me explore the more advanced features this program has...

Do any of you have experience with the books currently available?

Thanx in advance!

the only book worth anything i've come across is CUBASE POWER. i have a copy of it. its $30 its a good book
yeah I've searched around for a good book as wel and c-9's right that's about the only one I found that was at all valid

I just want to second that motion for Cubase Power made by c9-2001. All in favor... :D

Seriously, I bought it the other day and have been very happy with it so far. At the end of each chapter are exercises you can follow to help you retain what it is you are reading.

Cool stuff.
I recommend you NOT waste money on Simon Millward's very poor _Quick Guide to Cubase_.

I have not seen _Cubase Power_, but I suspect it would have to be better. I am really stuck learning Cubase and really need a better text than Millward's.

90%+ of documentation is junk, and a slow learner needs all the help he can get.
Millward's Fast Guide to Cubase VST isn't the best book to buy. I haven't seen Cubase Power. I got a free copy of Cubase 32, with no manuel, so I bought Millward's. It has helped somewhat, but I learned the program mostly from just screwing around with stuff, and figuring it out by the old hands on approach. He spends too much time explaining how to use VST instruments.
Get a copy of cubase power, or got to your local book store and look at it. its $30 but its worth i. it teaches you...i learned a lot with cubase power
Well, I ordered the latest edition of _Cubase Power_ through Amazon for $15.00, plus about three bucks and change for shipping. We'll see what I think when it arrives.

Millward's book suffers from numerous classic documentation ineptitudes, especially using important specialized terms throughout the book which are NEVER defined. The glossary is useless, as it is some filler document that tells us the meaning of such important terms as "internet" and RAM," while never defining ANY of the specialized Cubase terminology relevant to the book. Millward wastes time in pursuing his own weird priorities such as harping on using keyboard commands over mouse selections, while never adequately explaining important Cubase functions.

It's a terrible book.

If I seem overly critical, maybe it's because I was once a professional documentation writer. My publisher would have thrown Millward's manuscript back in his face. It's an incompetent, amateurish attempt.
Well, my _Cubase Power_ book arrived.

It looks pretty good. We'll have to see how well it actually instructs, however.

Not bad for $15.00!