cubas esx and acid 3.0...uhoh


New member
I am attempting to get acid pro 3.0 and cubase sx to work on ym computer. I have a windows xp pc, with 256 RAM (soon to be 512) with a pent 4 1.8 gig. I have a terratec ews88d sound card as well.

Hert eis my problem. I will load cubase sx up. I have 1.01 version with the update to 1.06. Everything is fine. Then I will install Acid pro 3.0 Thats the kicker. I will no longer be able to open cubase sx any long as Microsoft gives me the error message. I have formatted my computer and reinstalled xp, and the same thing.

This has been found about after about 3 weeks of troubleshooting. Steinberg didn't even know what was up. If anyone has any clues to what is next, please help. I am so desparate right now. thaanks so much.
What type of error message? Have you tried installing them in reverse order , ie. acid first and then SX? I'm grasping at straws there, but what the heck. I have not heard of a conflict with acid and SX before and I know lots of people are using them together.

If you don't mind my asking, are both programs legal copies?

You should ask, and yes, both are legal copies.

another twist...I installed sx without acid. Same problem after opening it a couple times. I get the error message. So, I guess acid is not to blame. But im wondering what is the blame? What suggestions could you make to help me troubleshoot? I have been having this problem and trying to fix it for about 4 weeks now. This is really irking me...thanks for the help!

oo, i'd like to sen the error message, but my music computer is separate from the internet, so I cannot get it up on this web site. Tell me what to look for and ill post all!
Does it say "sys.exe" error? Or have a title of some sort when it does it? Does it close SX automatically or just freeze it?

The actual error information won't help me much because I don't know a lot about their errors, but some people do. You may want to post this over at the Steinberg support forum. This sounds pretty serious. One way you can get the error message is to copy and paste it to a floppy and then bring it to your internet computer.

Like you, I don't have my DAW hooked up to the net.

I am trying it now on this computer, my net computer. The big differences between this and my other 2 computers i tried it on are:

a)this has a regualr gateway sound card. the other 2 were using terratec ews88d

b) this computer has the most recent directx driver. i am not even sure if the other do, and since i wiped out both of those hard drives, it could be very possible they do not.

c) this computer is running windows 98 instead of xp. but that shouldn't matter.

Ill keep you posted!