Crumbs In Da Buttah.......whaddaya think?


New member
Hi, All......

Longtime lurker, infrequent poster -- I'll be honest. I feel a little sheepish asking for your opinion/critique as I could be a tad more prolific in that dept. myself, but........pleeeeeze?? There is a ton of quietly awesome material posted here from other knob twiddlers that I have downloaded that deserves a nod -- I've gotta overcome that pesky Scandinavian (from Minnesota) stoicism and start steppin' to podium more often.


I've been busy in the "studio" (read: corner room of basement) with other folks' projects lately, but have cobbled together some recent stuff of my own that can be found now on my Yahoo briefcase (link below). Go to New Studio Wanking. These four Mp3's nod seriously to psychedelia, but also hopefully contain a wee bit of humor, too. Of course, one always wonders how one's own dreck is coming off -- is it bitchin' or does it suck hind tittie? Please let me know, and I'll do my best to return the favor (?).

Crumbs and Fatman were developed from the same tracks, or at least tracks from the same tracking session, but arranged somewhat differently. Crumbs had an extended spacier intro and outro, but Yahoo has a 5Mb upload limit, so it's edited to some extent. The "vocalist" was just riffing, basically, and pretty much made up the "lyrics" on the spot, as if that wasn't fairly obvious...: )....Fun to do to be sure. Mostly curious about impressions of the mix, etc.

The other two tracks are pretty self-explanatory....New toys? Tape rolling? Time to wank, sir. Still........again, fun to do.

God, I wish Mp3 compression didn't do what it does to one's sound, but it'll give ya an idea, at least.

Should you be misfortunate enough to be unemployed, or find yourself with uninterrupted periods of free time for some other reason, you are welcome to check out the other folders in the briefcase -- most contain other examples of psychedelia, or at least they aspire to that end.

Thanks much in advance....
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Minnesota eh.........

Do people really talk like in the movie: "Fargo"?

THIS is something different. Kinda bluesy with some whiteboy rap goin on.
Crumbs in the Butter, bit of a sense of humour as well.

The mix is well done. All kinds of interesting stuff to focus on all the way thru.
This was really entertaining................Thanks:D

You should post more.
You should offer some of your technical expertise to others as well.;)
Hey, thanks, Hevy......

I'm in your debt....not just for your kind words here, but I believe I posted some psyche stuff a few months back, and sure enough you came through with actually some quite helpful insights.

Yeah, it was quite fun to do...recorded the various bits first, Seagull acoustic, P-bass and then fed much of it through various samplers, filters, delays, etc. Dubbified, to be sure. The vocal was, er, ah.....improvised : )............

I'm gonna return the favor and do a search on your shtuff -- if I recall, you dig the guitar blues, so right there we have some quite common ground indeed.

Ha....well, as to my expertise -- I'll proffer my opinion, but am prone to getting shot down as much as the next knob twiddler! I think most everyone's got something to offer.....usually.

There's nothin' like pushin' air, eh?
