
This was two minutes of real fun! I love instrumentals! This was sort of a cross between Ghost Riders, Link Wray and the Ventures--with a hint of Santana thrown in. I wouldn't have minded some clean twanging guitar to act as a counterpoint in texture to the overdriven guitar sound, but other than that, you made me smile with this one. Since I didn't listen on my good monitors (used my computer speaker) I won't comment on mix right now. I'll have to hear it again.

Surfs up!
A ton of FUN!!

Drums/Percussion sound "drives" really well !

Definately a mix of several influences.

Love the Keyboard solo!

Sounds cool!
I dig the guitar playing,really fine.

Am I crazy,or are the chord changes in this song and the collab by Crawdad almost the same?
Must be one of those flukes of nature!:D

Great driving song,definatly keep me going!

Excellent! Just crank up the organ. It has a sound like Gypsie (an old band that I love).
man evrything i downloaded today starts out with huge hissy...static???...must have something screwed up in my program......

anyway..that drum break is killer!!...
this seems real quiet is it the mix??? laying it down onthat guitar!!!...nice...santana -esqe..for sure........

and WAAAYYYY too short???...

great job
Cool little 2 minute ride Bob.The drums/percussion sound really good.

Nice guitar playing too.

Rock on!
Thanks for listening and commenting guys! This was just a bit of fun to distract me from more serious stuff, which gets tedious after a while.

"Am I crazy,or are the chord changes in this song and the collab by Crawdad almost the same?
Must be one of those flukes of nature!"

:D My wife hates it for the same sort of reason - SHE says I ripped it off from The Allman's! It's just a standard riff- any similarities with Dwayne or Crawdad are purely accidental.

Allmans?I got this Santana vibe from it.....but what the hell do I know.
I afraid to cruise with this song as I may get a ticket for speeding.
This should of been longer IMHO.:cool: :D
hey Buffalo, ditto on the drums/percussions...nice gtr playing to boot. Yeah it's got that santana vibe for sure, good one...David

Straight up on point!!! The drummer was truly feelin' it, the lead git had the flow with the bass providing the bottom (though I would have luv'd more bass presence; but I'm a bassist! whaddya expect me to say!!:p ). Maddd hi-energy jammy perfect 4 doin' a 100 on the freeway!!!

Very well played and performed. If I'd change anything, I'd bring the guitars and bass a little more up from, or eq it a little more so it cuts through better. Very well done though, a clean good recording.
This is great, definitely an appropriate title. Had me going for sure, but I agree it left me wanting more, I could have used at least another two minutes. ;)
Kick ass drums there, super playing. I'd like to hear it a bit more bass driven, but that's preference. Thanks for the listen, I really enjoyed it, nice work :D
Nice song. I loved the drumming on this one. I liked the lead guitar - the heavy reverb worked well on it.

Cool song.