Crossfade problems...

PRS Addict

New member
I am running pro tools 9, and I wanted to do a little bit of editing/snapping some regions together. So, I took my first region, and aligned it with the second. Then, to rid the audio of any clicks, I crossfaded the area where the regions met. When I played back the area, there was indeed a click between the two crossfaded regions. I zoomed in to the maximum magnification, and noticed that, instead of connecting the two lines with a curved, smooth line, a completely straight line was created by the crossfade. Is there any way to remove this click or manipulate the crossfade to allow it to fix the problem? Thanks in advance.
Try trimming a region out a bit to make sure your fades are happening at a zero point in the wav.

If you need to change the type of fade....Setup-->Preferences-->Editing-->Crossfades