critique this mix! (hardcore/punk)


Magic Bag Of Sounds

no vocals yet, but they're all screamed.
overheads were nt5s, room mic a sp b1, and almost everything else was a 57. everything was tracked live in an apartment with wood floors so its got a pretty ambient feel..
it all has a bit of a "live" sound to it, as you said.. I think that there are some mid frequencies muddying things up a bit.. it would sound tighter with a bit more top end. and honestly the guitars sound a bit raunchy.. like they're not being played in tune or the guitar player just can't play chords properly..
Can't add much to the above. I really like the live feel a lot!

...but the problem with the guitars is quite obvious. During the intro it just sounds like they are plain 'out of tune' and it's very difficult to listen to. In the verse part though it seems to sort itself out a bit (?)
Yeah those guitars aren't good . The whole mix sounds like its just one mic in the middle of a big room. Theres no seperation of instruments or frequencies. I'm really not trying to be a dick, but it's just a mess. From what I can tell, it sounds like a potentially pretty good song, although I wouldn't classify it as hardcore or punk. It almost has a Rush feel to it halfway through.

Bottom line: you've got a decent seed to plant and work with. Spend a little more time researching and learning mic'ing techniques, tracking, and mixing and get it laid down a little better. And tune those guitars! ;) :p
the guitars were a rick through a sundown 12" combo
bass was a musicman through a bassman 6x10 combo

definitely nice gear and i loved the sound of them all in the room together so i guess i had accented the room mic way too much.
anyway i've taken some of your advice to heart.. i boosted some mids in a few close mic tracks to give them more punch and to alleviate the sound of the room. however.. this band is a pretty true emo band (the definition maybe not everybody on this board knows). all of the 80s and 90s emo bands had a lot of room and vibe and character to them, so i'm not worried about it not sounding like a polished radio rock song (and neither are they).
treymonfauntre said:
definitely nice gear and i loved the sound of them all in the room together so i guess i had accented the room mic way too much.
anyway i've taken some of your advice to heart.. i boosted some mids in a few close mic tracks to give them more punch and to alleviate the sound of the room. however.. this band is a pretty true emo band (the definition maybe not everybody on this board knows). all of the 80s and 90s emo bands had a lot of room and vibe and character to them, so i'm not worried about it not sounding like a polished radio rock song (and neither are they).

I've taken on board what you've said but it might be worth trying to dampen some of the reflections caused by that wooden floor. If you track 'live' it'll still have that raw energy but the room sounds pretty unforgiving.
it sounds quite sunny day real estate.. i like. I wanna hear the vocals with it :D
I do like how its roomy but i think gaining a bit more clarity rather than credability with mix may bring it all together nicely :)
yeah i've got it sounding good now, all the instruments have their own sonic space now and i ended up taking the room mic out entirely since it wasn't adding much flavor (just noise). i was pretty anti-compresison which was a mistake. i'll post a new mix when we've done the vocals.. but they aren't sdre-ish at all.
Emo shmemo. Good is good and bad is bad. I don't see why you'd intentionally want a bad sounding mix. I guess the dozen or so 'true' emo kids will appreciate it. :rolleyes: ;)
Ironklad Audio said:

to the music and the mix

of course, if the title said EMO, i would've never checked it out

bass sounds decent though

i hope i don't sound insulting, but i love this message board because of posts like this. you seemed to really dislike the music and that kind of offended me since these guys are really great to sit in a room and watch.. so i figured my mix must have been so awful that it overrode that. however, i checked your posts and a few mixes you've done and i absolutely hate them. this is where the no offense part comes in! we just have pretty staggering differences in how we enjoy music, and i love being reminded of that when reading forums like this.