Critique these Mixes


New member
Just need another set of ears to point some flaws out if needed. Both tunes tracked/mixed in a Class-A place in Nashville by yours truly. Full band of drums,bass,AGTR,EGTR,steel,piano,keys & vox. Need help deciding about the overall level of the first song, and the low end presence on the 2nd.

Upbeat, rockin


Thanks in Advance,
Both mixes sound pretty fucking pro. The kick in the second mix lacks meat, which may be contributing to your low end difficulty. It's too clicky.
thanks man. appreciate it. maybe i can show the engineers at the studio something that sounds good and maybe they'll let me tune their clients vocals or something. haha here's to dreamin..
the mixes a re crisp and clean. I hear no issues, really. I would have maybe done some different things with the arrangements on the second tune, but hey, it sounds great.
the ballad.......I hear background noise in the beginning, the steel guitar lead dosnt fit, needs six string lead. Id die for a voice like that....wonderful song!
The ballad: I would put a high pass filter on the bass set at about 150hz or there abouts to tame the bottom a bit. The kick is a bit too clicky. The snare is a bit too loud in the mix. But other than that, it sounds like you tracked it all really well.

The upbeat rocker: No real issues there. I don't think the snare sound fits the genre, but that's just my personal taste. You did a real good job with both mixes.
Forget - thought the steel was a little hot compared to the guitar lead in spots. Would have liked them to be a bit more balanced. The overall mix and performance is pretty much right on... :cool:
the snare is a bit loud the kick is a tad clicky I agree on that, but I think the acoustic guitar is such a big part of the beginning of the mix that I'd want it to balance more in the mix. It seems a lil far right for my tastes. I would of stereo miced it or put a slight effect on the left side to to kind of balance it more. I'm going to go fire up my mackies hr624s and listen on them it's rare I actully want to hear any mixes from here on my nearfeilds so I can say based on that its tracked extremely well also when the lap steel comes in i would of panned a delay on the left to balance it a tad more overal amazing sounds. but what can sound great on the monitors can be annoying in the headphones so that's the reason for the balancing sugestions :)

the track forget is right on. great wall of sound, good subtle effects killer vocals, but I do agree with the snare I feel It's a tad to rock for the track. I would of tuned it diffrently but thats all I can add cause it's amazing talent and mixed very well
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Both mixes sound great! The snare in the first one could use a little more compression, imho. And maybe a little verb on the 2nd...

Congrats for a great job!
sounds great.
i agree with the snare thing
and the second song seems a bit bassy.. its cool with me though, just not sure if the country people would like it