critique my web site


New member
can anyone critique my web page and if I have good audio file format clips??? Do they load up slow. I can't tell. I have high speed internet, but would like to know if 56k load up is too slow. thanx, bill go to "songs"
"Down on the Farm" is the hit
Its a good start WB....more mud wrestling women would help with the hits wait thats my sight.
thanx pashop

Yeah, the mud wrestling women would probably sell more albums, but I don't know about that. I've got the 17 foot high snow man in there. And he has such a cute face. I think the girls would like that.
From a Pro web designer standpoint of view the site looks like a beginner designed it. No real form to it. All the pages are different and I know how fun that is(I admit I did that in my early web days) but its not professional looking. The music clips will always load slow on dial up. Oh no, dont get folks to download real one! Thats a computer messer upper..... You need a combo of stream in low-fi and high-fi and MP3 downloads. Nobody likes clips. I hope this helps. Dont take it personally. I get beat up all the time in the mp3 mixing clinic and its good for the soul......
To make designing your web page easier, you can get all kinds of WYSIWYG editors from & use em on a trial basis. (Some editors leave a meta tag and they will come after you if you don't edit that out of the HTML)

Here's some advice - I'm not a pro, but a studied amateur

1)As Mx62 says, consistant appearnce from page to page is crucial.

2)I also suggest you use frames to control the appearance of your text.

3)Also, bag the centered text. That looks real amateur.

4)All those colors -- wow I'm glad I'm not a migrane sufferer. Here's another good principal for you with text - two is the magic number. two colors or two font types. A classic mix is Arial for headlines, times new roman for text, one color for both fonts. OR you could use just Arial, but use say, Plum color, bold weight for the headlines and arial dark grey for the body text.

Try applying these simple principles and you will see what a difference it can make.

ps: I got these basic concepts from a book called "THe non-designers design handbook" by Robin Williams.

ps: I sound real bossy, don't I? Sorry...
Frames are somewhat out of favor with websites; most will tell you to avoid them unless there's some crying need for them. They are really difficult to get to work properly if you don't understand HTML and prone to all sorts of confusing behavior if you mess them up. Not for beginners.
AlChuck said:
Frames are somewhat out of favor with websites; most will tell you to avoid them unless there's some crying need for them. They are really difficult to get to work properly if you don't understand HTML and prone to all sorts of confusing behavior if you mess them up. Not for beginners.

YIKES!! I meant TABLES !!
Frames bad (they can be fun) Tables good......

O'Reillys "Web design in a nutshell" is a great book to start with. If you can, pick up Dreamweaver 4(WYSIWYG) and Paintshop pro 7(graphics design). They are reasonably priced and the sky is the limit with them. Avoid using editors that claim to do it all. You can generally do what they do with Netscape communicator. Most web hosts have e-commerce included in their packages. Avoid using their editors though. Web design is very time consuming and so is music. Just something to think about.
Mr. Weather man Bill,
I for one enjoyed your site......I am sadly lacking in knowledge as to how to even begin to build a site of my own, so it beats the hell outta mine! Enjoyed the tunes I listened to also, I'd wager to say you're probably a greatful dead fan.....or no....?

Well thanx for your replies guys

There's alot to think about in all of what you all said. I will weigh in on all of it and possibly make changes.
You're right about having consistency maing it look pro, but there is the other side of the coin to having different screen backgrounds in that it adds an entertainment value, but I'm thinking of doing more of a consistency thing, at least on a few of the pages.
Yeah, the dead have been a big influence on me BD
I agree that the site lacks any sort of structure.
Also the color scheme is quite rough on the eyes.

I'm not a pro developer but I'm pretty alright. I didnt listen to the music, I just took a quick look at the site itself.

A good alternative to frames that I have been using on my site are Iframs which are floating frames that can be loaded with in tables or whatnot.

An example is my lyric page

Weatherbill -

I enjoyed reading about Pseuchadellia. I had never ever heard of that word before. I found your little article very intriguing. I definitely agree that musical mass destruction is going on.
Music is incredibly powerful. Was at Plato that said he would have control of the music of a people in order to effect change thatn control over the government? I might be getting that reference all wrong, but anyway...the effects of music can really be observed. Couldn't listen to your tunes this visit because I've got no speakers or headphones right now...I'm at a school computer lab.

Horns, Harmony, & Humor