Critique My Poor Musicianshipness

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New member
I guess I'm stuck in a rut with this whole songwriting
business. It would be helpful if I could get some input. This is partial song
I threw together the other day. Please don't critique the
sound quality, I know it sucks. I know it only comes out of one channel,
but that's not really what I'm concerned about. I'm much more concerned with the actual song itself.
So have a listen, and let me know what you think!
Oh, also, I cannot sing with a damn - I'm very aware.

La Lalala
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Percussion noises are too loud during the singing.
Guitar and vocals are down too low.

The sound of the recording isn't what I would call "bad". The lead guitar doesn't sound that great though. The tone isn't that good, and the playing could use a little work. Also sounded like some notes were out of tune.

The singing didn't sound bad to me. And I liked the song. Relaxing and easy to listen to.
Hi brandoj.

You should really post this in the song writing forum if that's what you're after. This forum is all about the sound;) I'll try to take a listen but I would move this thread if I were you.

brandoj said:
Thanks for the tip, I was a little suspicious after the advice from Danny. :rolleyes:

I told you I liked the song.

I'm not sure how to give advice for writing songs? It's your damn song, not mine. Who are you writing for?
brandoj said:
Thanks for the tip, I was a little suspicious after the advice from Danny. :rolleyes:

Ya you won't get away from that here:) I don't care how you ask. Good luck.

The writing has potential. Get a second verse written out! I know you can do it :D

brandoj said:
So, how do I go about moving the thread?

Go to your top post hit the edit button and select delete. Delete this thread and repost it in the song writing forum.

Danny.Guitar was just doing what we do here. Nothing wrong with that and I don't think you ment it that way.

PS if you can't delete cause it won't let you, you can choose to lock the thread so no more posting will happen on it and it will die a natural death.


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