Critique my mix

I only listened to part of it, and on headphones, but your kick drum sounds a bit like a cardboard box to me. Some mids might need to be scooped out of it. That's all I have for now. Post this in the MP3 clinic like mjb said and you'll get more replies..
Dude, you already posted this about a month or so ago. Is this about getting Youtube "hits"?
I like the song, it has a lot of potential. From a production standpoint it deserves more than the usual 4 corners (guitar, bass, singer, percussion). It needs some creative touches in the transitions, and changes. Mixing/Tracking wise here's a few things I would start with. Vocals..I like the doubling thing you got going, but a better choice of mic would've done your voice some better justice. Also, not enough compression on the vocals. You're losing some words in the mix. With dynamic mics you gotta crush it or you're gonna lose some of the softer parts. Go with a condenser mic next time, and a decent pre. Guitars.. you need a little less distortion on the rhythms. I like the riffs, but ya gotta be creative with the tone, eq and panning to get the distortion to work with the acoustic. Bass guitar...nonexistant, as far as I can tell. Needs a lot of work. Drums..I like the simplistic track for the drums, I think its just right for the song, but the tambourine needs to go. Or at the very least needs to not be the loudest instrument of the mix. I would also substitute the clap for a real snare or snare sample (a layered sidestick snare maybe), with maybe a few hats and cymbals for fills. That bass drum does have some carboardy feel to it. Kinda of a result of mixing on laptop speakers or headphones. Some decent monitors will give you a better feel for the lower freqs (which could be affecting the bass level as well). As a whole, song has a lot of potential, but I'm not feeling it for some reason. I think it needs some more emotion and personality. Good luck man.
I would like someone who is skilled to critque my mix in this song. What would you make changes to if you were mixing the song down in your own studio. I'm hoping this will help me with future songs. Thanks! Impossible (Original Song) TC Helicon VLT - YouTube
I already gave my critique on this song ages ago. It might have been on Gearslutz.

Good stuff. Overall a bit flat sounding Mix. Not much depth going on. Nice vocals. Is that double tracked or a doubler FX?
He doesn't really care what we think. He wants to get as much Youtube plays as possible.

This thread should be deleted. First of all, its in the wrong section. Second of all, he has already posted this here. Thirdly, he's not even coming back to respond, which means he wasn't really looking for any real critique.

What is it with these Youtube bozos who actually think getting a few hundred more plays actually means anything?