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Arite. I was wondering how bands get together to record a song. Like which steps do you do first. Do you give a drum beat and let the guitarists try to join in and if you like it keep it. Or what methods do you go through.?
I usually start with a scratch track or a drum track. I'll record the guitar line and vocals (poorly) with a metronome or click track. Then I'll have the drummer play his part and let everyone match the drummer later.
When I have recorded a band (either as a musician being recorded or as an engineer/producer) normally the rhythem section (drums & bass - or - drums, bass and rhythem instrument, ie: rhythem guitar) record a basic rhythem track. This then is used to over dub lead guitar, vocals, etc.

Often, a scratch vocal may be recorded with the rhythem tarck to act as a guide (this is later erased and replaced with "real vocals"

If you don't include drums as part ot the first track - make the guitar player (or whoever) play to a click, or there is a good chance there will not be a consistant tempo for other instruments to track over.

If you're asking about bands writing in the studio (vs. preproduction) then normally, someone (the guitarist or singer, etc) may come in with a chord progression or a basic song outline, play it and then the other musicians will start to ablib parts, riffs, etc. until a song starts to come together.

Normally writing in the studio is not the most effective way (in particular if you're paying for stuio time). These days with recording gear being so affordable (you can get a 4 track cassette for less than $100) most musicians do a lot of the writing at home (pre-production) and then bring the band a "demo" which helps the musicians get a general feel for the "vision" the writer is hoping to achieve.
This is kind of what I'm doing now... I'm scratching the songs out and recording them at home (I don't have good stuff to do that with) then I want to put some people together to play and sing them. We may even do the first one live.
When I'm "creating" a song it's always the guitars first...always. Alot of my stuff drummers absoloutley hate, as there's always aquard pauses and stuff, but that's how I write/hear what I want to create so, yeah. but with recording it's drums/bass/guitar then vocals then overdubs (solo's/vocals)