creating samples for fruityloops? how?

hey everyone!
i want to create some snare samples from my analog synth and use them in fruityloops, can i do this so i can get the samples timed right? is their an easier way than just recording it as audio and hoping it starts at the right time when you cue it? thanks for the help! later!
hola amigo, this is kkos's first post ever and im glad to be here because i am a recovering fruityloops user.

when u say anolog synth im not sure what u mean but when i load a sample into fruity loops i start with a (pre programs). For u i would say do what ever it takes to get the sound u want on to the computer, save it as a wav., right click the place for your instrument on your step sequencer, go to load samples, navigate to where u saved it at, insert it.

a) you already know this and your real problem i figuring out how to get your sounds into the computer. (Sorry, i dont know)
b) u got that and u want to know how to change the start time of when its cued in. (i Know)

sometime i have to resample my samples to get them to work as i want them to, u kind of have to have a filling for when the wave/sample is going to start when it is cued.

*****tips i will tell u once u right me back tell me how comfortable you are as a fruityloops user. begginner, vet, etc....

delaying samples/my way of editing waves with pre programs to get them to come on at the right time in FLP and anything else i can help u with

i can make pretty good sounding stuff with fruityloops, u just have to put the right sound in there

go to check out my music tell me what u think KOS