Creating click tracks with tempo changes???


New member
Hello all,

I am trying to lay down a click track for a song on my PC and I was wondering if anyone knows of a easy way to do it? I have so far been attacking the problem by importing Wavs from Fruityloops into Cool Edit and looping them.

But where things get complicated is that the song contains a few tempo changes and I was wondering how I might deal with the slowing down/speeding up bars. Is it a painstaking task?
The way you do it works also fine for me. If there are tempo changes I just import the wav's in different tempo into Cool Edit. When speeding up or slowing down just import different wav's measure by measure and slowly increase or decrease the tempo at your wish.

When you record in cubase or another sequencer, it's even more simple with the master track. In cubase you put the master on, and create your tempo changes in the tempo list or you can even draw them in the graphic, but I personally find it more accurate with just the list.

