Creating Bass Drops


New member
Hey guys,

I'm looking for a way to do my metal bass drops faster. I'm not a synth guy and really don't want anything complicated. I found some plugin called Sasquatch on Youtube. I went to their site, but there was almost no info on it. If you Google it, a forum comes up but most of the talk is about something called Rhino...whatever that is.

Here's The Youtube video that got me excited.

Does anyone know anything about it or where I can get it? Are there any other tools that can do the metal bass drop thing like this? I really don't feel like recording a tone generator because it's a sound that has been done a billion times. Thanks in advance!
And bass drops in metal haven't...?

Yeah it totally has been done a ton, but when I have clients that ask for it in specific parts and they're paying me it's usually best to give them a bass drop. I guess I'm just trying to find a fast way to make them a little more unique and have quick control over how long or short they are without having to pull in pre rendered bass drops and testing them in the track.