Creamy wall of sound layerin, and phase.


New member
I'm incredibly new to mixing but I've stumbled across something. My band enjoys a super creamy wall of sound which we can achieve by creating many tracks and creating some eq "pocket things" for everything. Now the thing I've recently stumbled across is that phase can also be used to help achieve this creamy wall of sound effect also. We found this while doing a sax track which we ran the signal through a big muff and a small stone phase. This track fit into the whole mix so seamlesly that we added somemore tracks with diffrent settings and eq. The phase effect even works amazingly on drums to do the same, creating transparent upfront snare and base with nice sounding symbols. Also you can ulternate and throw some flange on the drums like on the snare during a really dramatic snare roll. After finding this we purchased a mutron by phase and this thing works amazing in throwing the whole end stero mix in for just that over all hint.

Does anybody else know of these techniques and if so could you give some general, good, all purpose, phase settings for diffrent basic instruments like guitare, bass, and diffrent drums. If you could please leave the settings very general and all purpose so it's not dependent to certian products. I'm extremely interested in what you guys think of this.