Crate Palomino


New member
what do you guys think of the Crate Palomino V32 amp? I played one and i really liked it. Im following the crowd and buying my first tube amp, and that one seemed pretty reasonably priced, which was also a major plus. I play all rock and i loved the fact that it did have a dirty channel, so that when im playing at home i dont have to crank it. let me know what you think.
From playing in the store only...

I think this is one of the best low-budget tube amps on the market.

It will be my next amp purchase.

They are being made as a joint venture by Ampeg, if I understand correctly.

I believe Ampeg and Crate are both the same St. Louis based company. At least that's what everyone thinks around these parts.
jonnyc said:
I believe Ampeg and Crate are both the same St. Louis based company. At least that's what everyone thinks around these parts.

I believe so. St. Louis Music, if I recall correctly. My dad is a dealer for St. Louis Music, although he does violin stuff, not guitar stuff. But he could still get it, though, which works out well for me.
ericlingus said:
I played one when I was looking for a tube amp. It was good but really not suited for extreme metal which is what I play. It just didn't have the gain that I needed. I ended up buying a mesa boogie f50.

Great point. This is one of those Fender Hot Rod Deluxe type amps.


I know this isn't really a 100% answerable question, but saying as this is going to be my first tube amp, should i expect to lose or gain anything coming from a marshall mg100.. That amp was perfect for volume for the small shows i play, and i really hope this amp will be a little bit louder but i coudn't really crank it in guitar center. I'm also kind of curious about distortion. I play a lot of punk (not green day-ish in the sense that punk is a fashion statement, but more of the replacements the clash the exploited type of stuff) and i use a tele, so do you think i might be able to get that spanky tone? I know its all personal preferance which is why i hate guitar center. I can never just sit there and play uninterrupted long enough to see where the amps really at. anything you can give me helps, thanks for everything
guitarguy1012 said:
I know this isn't really a 100% answerable question, but saying as this is going to be my first tube amp, should i expect to lose or gain anything coming from a marshall mg100.. That amp was perfect for volume for the small shows i play, and i really hope this amp will be a little bit louder but i coudn't really crank it in guitar center. I'm also kind of curious about distortion. I play a lot of punk (not green day-ish in the sense that punk is a fashion statement, but more of the replacements the clash the exploited type of stuff) and i use a tele, so do you think i might be able to get that spanky tone? I know its all personal preferance which is why i hate guitar center. I can never just sit there and play uninterrupted long enough to see where the amps really at. anything you can give me helps, thanks for everything

As far as volume goes you should still be ok for small to medium gigs, and they can always mic the amp if need be. As far as tone goes, you'll hear a diffference, especially on recordings. When solid state amps distort it sounds very digital and thin to me, when a tube amp breaks up it's beautiful, and well natural, eventhough that's not a really good word to describe it. I couldn't comment at all on the distortion although a pedal could cure any problems with distortion tone if there is a problem. Take all this with a grain of salt because the mg series amps are pretty much my least favorite.
they still had good music, and they had music that they believed in.... if disco became popular i guarantee green day would say they were really disco-ers at heart.... on green day, though, i must say there new album was a step in the right direction, in my opinion

but back to amps: i never liked the distortion on my mg... i never knew what i didnt like about it but it never made me happy... I wont mind getting rid of that amp
i used to have a solidstate marshall, it was ok for punk music but i've replaced it with a peavey tube and even though it might be a step down brand-wise its a step up soundwsie