Crappy Mics = Happy Mics

scrubs said:
I have no idea what you're asking, but the Copperphone mic is very popular amongst lo-fi enthusiasts. I hear Lou Barlow even uses them live. Of course, the cheaper route would be to just buy some POS from radio shack, or just gut the components from an old phone and build your own mic.

Ah crap now I'm out $250. :mad:
karyoker said:
Yoy got the wrong idea.. You sing to this guy and when he sings back you record him.. Its foolproof but it does taks a few takes.. here

haha nice...

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dishwasherrat said:
Not sure who Lou Barlow is, but those Copperphones look like a LOT of fun. $250 is a lot. I think I will just put one of my mics in a soup can with some holes on the bottom. Thanks for showing me the pic. I never would have thought of that otherwise!

This is interesting...Would it be that simple, rehousing a dynamic mic in some pipe with holes cut in a metal cap?

It is pretty hilarious that were talking about spending money to sound shitty, but that copperphone is pretty cool. I think you could end up using it way too much.

But every kid who comes in wanting a nasty "Strokes" type vocal sound would love it....
Sonic_Idiot: Thanks so much for that recipe! I have to try it. I'm off to Goodwill first thing tomorrow. Yay again. I'll let you know if I fry anything.

hrwmusic: AX12! That's one of my old mics! I miss it! I love it! Know where I can find it? I have to find that Barbie gear!

karyoker: Another must-hunt-down. Thank you!

corso: Ditto on the Too Much Copperphone Syndrome. It'd be hard not to - especially after spending so much money on it. Which is why, for me at least, the trick is to spend as little cash as possible whilst still being intelligible. Dangerous, but certainly not illegal!

ALL: Thanks again so much for indulging this ridiculous thread on an otherwise worthy bulletin board. You're a class act. And one of the nicest flocks of people I've come across online.

Please, keep it coming. Every idea is a great idea (for somebody, eventually).

This is interesting...Would it be that simple, rehousing a dynamic mic in some pipe with holes cut in a metal cap?

One early morn I was awakened by a very loud cricket chirping. It had a vibrato and richness in its chirp that was awesome.. I am sure he was attracting every female in a block radius..When I was fully awake curiousity lured me too this wonderful cricket.. He was hard to locate but I finally found him in the garage....sittin in the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket... True Story.... :)
noisedude said:
Dishwasherrat is this year's Micsales, dahling.

Well, as soon as they start making the Copperphone on a barge in international waters and selling it for $69, I'm gonna get one. ;)
dishwasherrat said:
I am new. I know very, very little. I checked the FAQ before posting.

As I am not the least bit concerned with sound quality, I would ask that any high-quality microphone recommendations be withheld. I have one and I can't afford another one. I use an Audio-Technica condenser shotgun (as seen here).

I am only interested in lo-fi recordings, so if this microphone is a particularly bad choice for most musician's purposes, then I have the right one.

Now, my microphone works extremely well (probably a little too well) with my mini-disc recorder, but I would like to use it at my computer, too. I have a laptop. It has a microphone jack. When I use the cheapo $5 plastic mic that came with my first computer 13 years ago, I get crystal clear recordings. When I plug in the battery-powered shotgun mic, I get a shitload of static and feedback. Generally speaking, this is fine, but occasionally I need a clean mic and unfortunately I lost my Fisher-Price one.

Does anybody know why I get this feedback and if/how it can be canceled?

Also, please pass along any links to cheapo mics you may have seen at any retail/chain/web stores. I'd love to get my hands on some.


You're whole post is incoherent and its not even clear if you want a clean cheap mic or a dirty sounding cheap mic. Go to radioshack or buy an imitation SM57 mic on ebay.
scrubs said:
Well, as soon as they start making the Copperphone on a barge in international waters and selling it for $69, I'm gonna get one. ;)

lol ditto

Years ago, we took a piece of poster board and cut it so you could roll it into a proper cone shape. Fit the small end of the cone around the ball of a unidirectional 3 dollar mic. We called it "The Inphonic Conilizer" setup the amps and drums all "facing" the general direction of the large open cone, sounded like we were playing in the bottom of a toilet bowl. Ahhh to be 15 again...A time when an old tape recorder was a gift from the gods and any mic you could get your hands on was a good mic. /sniff :p
karyoker: Duly noted. One 5-gallon bucket coming up.

frankieballsss: Yes, no and maybe. Sorry for any confusion.

Creamyapples1: Sounds like fun to me. I'll try it! I didn't really get to be 15 as far as music went, so I'm taking my time in enjoying it now. Thanks for the idea!
dishwasherrat said:
karyoker: Duly noted. One 5-gallon bucket coming up.

frankieballsss: Yes, no and maybe. Sorry for any confusion.

Creamyapples1: Sounds like fun to me. I'll try it! I didn't really get to be 15 as far as music went, so I'm taking my time in enjoying it now. Thanks for the idea!

Learn how to write coherently, your sarcasm is a waste of my eyes.
I found this a couple of years ago and built a couple of 'em... One from the radioshack mic someone posted a pic of here already and the other from a headphone speaker... They work pretty well for a nasty little hand held harmonica mic... Have to crank the gain way up on the headphone mic though..
kid klash said:

Don't let Mr. sourpuss rain on your parade... everyone else is enjoying this thread.

OK, I just gotta know, will someone please tell me for once and forall what 'meh' really means???

To the interested, it turns out that a plastic measuring cup over an omnidirectional mic produces some interesting, if muffled sounds. Incidentally, for the purposes of one-mic analog takes, it amplifies the hell out of the high end of the keyboard, so keep it low and sing close to the cup!