crap soundcard question


New member
i'm basically an all analog guy... i got respect for digital, i think some great stuff can, and has, been done digitally, but for myself, i prefer analog... whether it be a tascam 4-track or a studer... when i do serious projects i mix down to my tascam 2-track reel to reel, but for just little 4-track sketch song ideas for my band, i want to be able to mix down to my computer so i can burn a cd for the other guys to learn from... well my family is in the process of buying a new computer so it's time to decide on a soundcard... i'm seriously not that concerned with real high quality sound, i'll probably end up with some soundblaster model... as i said, these are just for quick mixdowns for my friends, but i would want the best sound i can get cheaply so basically.. what is the best of the shitty sound cards? sb live? something else
Soundblaster Live! is a pretty decent low-end sound card for what you're looking for in terms of quality and investment. There are several people who have posted their recordings using the SB live! on the MP3 thread that sound really good. Happy tracking!
Don't forget to look at the Turtle Beach and Monster cards for about the same price and the Ensoniq for REALLY cheap.
And because many cards in the prosumer arena are transitioning to 24/96 versions, you could probably get a deal on the obsolete stuff for an additional C-note.
I've seen the Darla for $199.
The noise level on these cards is noticeably lower than those of SB ilk and the connectors aren't those putrid 1/8" stereo plugs.
If you want a basic computer sound card that has a pretty clean line input AND plays games, I don't think you can do better than a SB Live. I have transfered quite a few cassettes to CD at my day job (on my lunch hour) using a SB Live card with no problems. I would say get one with your computer, play around with it, then look for a better card if you find it lacking.
I think an SB Live Value will be good. It's pretty decent sound for the price and you can play games with it too.

I have one. It was cheap. I feel it's worth the money.

You can hear recordings I've done with it in the mp3 mixing forum.