Crackle and underwater sound problem with Delta 1010...


New member
I just got my new computer finished and I installed everything back on it. I also upgraded from windows 98 to xp. I have used my 1010 for about 6 months now and have been very satisfied. Today I went to record *drums* and every track has a crackle in it everytime I hit the drum. When I am tracking the audio quality starts to degrade and crackle some also. I thought maybe it was the XP driver that was causing this since a lot of people semm to have problems with that driver. I have a dual-processor system so I can't go back to 98, but should i go with 2000? Please help...

I have the current driver. I have uninstalled and reinstalled my recording program twice (Cool Edit Pro) so I know that is not the problem. When I play tracks in Windows Media Player everything is fine, but when I run a multi-track session it sounds really bad with crackle and distortion *i know the tracks are not clipping... I have to say that so somebody won't give me that advice* This is a problem with the soundcard or something... I don't know... I'm still working on it... Thanks
henry_mullis said:
I have the current driver. I have uninstalled and reinstalled my recording program twice (Cool Edit Pro) so I know that is not the problem. When I play tracks in Windows Media Player everything is fine, but when I run a multi-track session it sounds really bad with crackle and distortion *i know the tracks are not clipping... I have to say that so somebody won't give me that advice* This is a problem with the soundcard or something... I don't know... I'm still working on it... Thanks
When you say everything is fine with media player, is it playing thru the 1010 or your system soundcard.
It is playing through my 1010 because that is the only soundcard that is in my system. Also, when I have a small multitrack session it will play fine. For example: I have 2 tracks *click and scratch* I want to playback while I record 6 other tracks on top. When I just push play and only 2 tracks play then it will play fine, but when I press record it slows down and crackles, etc.
I had the same problem with my system, I even sent the card back to M-audio to have it checked. I tried W2K and XP with the same results, the only thing that worked for me was going back to win 98 and using an old driver, it works great now.