Cover song. 'It Girl" Jason Derulo !!!


Active member
This is a cover song my son was asked to do to accompany a music video. He was told to change it up a bit to fit the 13 yr. old boys voice and style. Anyway, my son played all the instruments and did all the mixing on the recording. He's still going to tweak a little bit before handing over the final mix. I'd like to know what areas in the song could be tweaked to make it better. Thanks in advance.:)

SoundClick artist: Fender Aficionado - page with MP3 music downloads
Wow, this is superb for a 13 year old, especially the vocal talent! As far as improvement on the mix goes, I think the instrumental mix is pretty solid. The vocals, however, sound a bit muddy. I think they could benefit from some simple EQ (boost the highs, cut the lows, nothing too technical).

Would you mind posting a link to the music video once it's finished?