Cover of Disarm by the Pumpkins


What Pro Tools *****?
Since you guys only seem to respond to covers...

Here is a cover my band recorded in my singer's living room. What do you think? :)

If you're gonna bitch about and then post covers, at least cover better songs. What a suckfest song.
Anyway, what's your real gripe? Do your threads not get enough replies? Maybe you should spread some love by responding to other people's stuff. Or maybe your stuff just sucks and people are being polite. I don't know. I get and give lots of feedback. I think I remember a few of your songs. Nicely done, but pretty tame radio pop/rock right?
It sounds like a bar band who, lacking a string section or a synthesizer, decided to just power their way through the song anyway. Sonically, there is lots and lots of distortion, and if that one cymbal isn't already cracked, it will be soon.
this is pretty terrible. if you were trying to prove something by putting up a bad ass cover to make a point you failed. your recording quality is not bad, but your taste in music is terrible (especially your originals) and this singer fails miserably. i'm not usually one to talk crap but uh... your cover post was pretty childish so maybe you should be singing about how you are a little boy instead of how you used to be one. :D
Actually sounds a lot like the Pumpkins did when they played the Horden in Sydney. They were bombastic and ignored the inherent subtlty & tension that made the song affecting & effective - this is a little like that. I can see the bald head & Star T shirt now. It's a bit like playing Teen Spirit at a single tempo & volume troughout.
The best cover I've EVER heard was the Damned's version of the Beatles' Help it had the anger & urgency that L & M hid so they could sell to little girls.
pretty cool! I like the version you guys did.. the recording doesn't sound completely polished but it's not too bad at all, and no where near as bad as I was expecting from the replies.
I actually don't ever bother listening to people's covers. I just checked this thread because I really like the song.

It's a ballad. You didn't play it as a ballad, which I don't think is an improvement.

You did a decent job of capturing the early pumpkins' tone in terms of guitars and obnoxious nasally voice (not that that's a bad thing :D ), but I think there are more appropriate songs to cover if you don't have the strings and synth.

Overall, it was decent.
You're kidding, right?

You trash my originals and their production and then you post this?

Wow, all I can say is this is the bestest song I've ever heard.

I'd be interested in buying viles of their sweat!

Sheese. The lead singer sounds bored with the song. I can't blame him.

How embarrassing for you, man.
Thanks for the kind words, all. :)

This band doesn't exist anymore and hasn't in like 7 or 8 years. It was just the only cover I had. So, the post was just for giggles. :)

I always thought it was kind of cool. Our own take on the song.
wow you guys really taught him a lesson, especially with that pic.. :rolleyes:

Does anybody else think that posting a picture as an insult is the internet equivalent of when people sing song lyrics to insult you?

I hate that so fucking much. It makes the poster of the picture immediately look like an idiot and ruins the carefully crafted multilayer insults people usually come up with on internet forums...

Wait...No...I mean:


It's just weak to use pictures as an insult when words serve the purpose so much better.

Oh, by the way. The Smashing Pumpkins have never and will never be a band that inspires people that I can respect. Anybody doing a Pumpkins cover is probably well suited to the task of capturing their vibe. The nineties need to stay where they were. Nothing good came from that time period, with the possible exception of a few NIN albums.
Inter webs sez:

Fuck you! See how weak that is compared to a well crafted response?


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ok one more.

My band sez: WTF? Nevar mind.


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