country rock?


New member
i've been around here for a little while, but i've just never gotten around to posting any songs. i just wanted to throw this out and see what everyone thought. i usually do just straight rock n roll (big guitars etc...), but i wanted to try a side project with a little country rock feel. this is something i've been working on for a couple days. let me know what you think of the song and the recording. i'm tough...i can take it.

the horns are completely midi, i'll get real ones someday soon.
the abrupt ending was on will lead into another song.
I like this song.... I'm really not sure why... but I do. It grew on me :) Ummm I'd like the drums a little quieter at the start. They sound mixed well once it all picks up... but maybe a little loud at first?

Good harmony. Guitar works and sounds good. Sounds like you cappo'd on 2 and played in C. I even like the keyboard horns okay.

Nice smooth sound overall that I like. :)
I think maybe if you just soloed the bass and drum track and worked the eq a little more you could get a litte more natural sounding drum sound and bring the drum level down a bit. You got the guitar and vocal pretty good man. The midi sounds are pretty much going to be just midi sounding , but perhaps a little delay on the piano and horn and bring them in softer and not so abruptly , and keep the level down a little lower. The harmonies come in a little abruptly and dominate the primary vocal in the early part of the tune. good simple arrangement
I have an idea - get rid of the drums and do your own percussion instead. You know: shaker, tamborine, hand claps, ANYTHING but those drums.:)

I like the song a lot. And I really don't think it needs drums. Even just an egg shaker would do fine.

Cool song.
