Country for the Common Man - A Parody

Gentle indeed. Some of the pedal steel could be lifted a little or a high pass popped on with a little extra level.
Your voice is much more effective with the change. You've a nice one & should beef it a little more often.
Terrific accompaniment from Zaphod & Teysha.
Cool stuff & fun too!
Thanks Manslick. Good to hear from you, dude. When this current album is finished (three and a half tunes to go) we gotta do a collab.
Thanks Manslick. Good to hear from you, dude. When this current album is finished (three and a half tunes to go) we gotta do a collab.

I was thinking the same thing. I was thinking, man I'd love to be in those back ground vox. :)
Oh yeah I was gonna mention, you can upload mp3 here now. Might sound better than if SoundClick processes it.
Nice tune, the drum beats were a nice diversion from standard country drumming.

I thought the steel guitar and fiddles need to be more out front in the mix, and a few dB's louder as well-it was well played though.

The Tele twang was sweet, that must be Waylon Zaphod tearing it up!;)
i like this song. left you 5 stars and a comment on soundclick. would be great if you return the favor. :) just click n my signatur.
Afontan, guitar zero & HDProduction,

Thank you for the positive feedback. Will see what I can do HD. I'll try and get a re-mix incorporating some suggestions from Teyshablue later this evening.