Could anyone mix this instrumental (hip-hop beat)?

you should probably take this to the mp3 mixing forum. The only threads in this section that get much traction are the ones that are "officially" started.

Also, .rar? ,':|
you should probably take this to the mp3 mixing forum. The only threads in this section that get much traction are the ones that are "officially" started.

Also, .rar? ,':|

Alright man. And well, it's a rar file, it contains all the layers of the beat... What's wrong with it?
I've just never seen the point of sharing files in .rar form. It's a proprietary format, and they charge for their encoder/decoder, so very few people can actually unpack them.
If for some reason .zip doesn't meet your needs, at least use .tar or something! :D
I've just never seen the point of sharing files in .rar form. It's a proprietary format, and they charge for their encoder/decoder, so very few people can actually unpack them.
If for some reason .zip doesn't meet your needs, at least use .tar or something! :D

check out 7zip - it's free, integrates automatically into your right-click menu, and opens RARs
Unrarx is free to download, but reguardless these tracks aren't even tempo matched and the snare gets off beat halfway through the song. The patches are also very low quality not even worth uncompressing, move on.
Unrarx is free to download, but reguardless these tracks aren't even tempo matched and the snare gets off beat halfway through the song. The patches are also very low quality not even worth uncompressing, move on.

Mmm, how could that be? The final mixdown is onbeat. Wtf.

Just merged all the layers into 1, everything is on beat.
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Well here you go man. Like jimmy69 said in the submission thread, any major work on these would be like "polishing a turd". So I took a different approach and decided to try to make the smell more appealing rather than do allot of polishing :D Like I said there, I made a mix down and sent the individual tracks as they were in my DAW so you can mess around with them too. Good luck!